In the Refuge of the Azhemyra
- Page Nine -
Maenthrai let her eyes rest on the runes of her name while she pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping to stop the tears before she started gushing. She wiped at her eyes with both hands and then settled her focus on the flickering candle flame before her. The flame seemed to console her despite her earlier tempestuous energies. She let her self wax poetic in her thoughts while staring at that single, vulnerable flame. She imagined it to be the last light of the world; the last beacon of hope before all things were snuffed out in the darkness that her blood brought forth into this world. That light was a symbol to her in this moment of what she was trying to accomplish — the very reason she had been separated from her family for so long — the last memories of her people that she would try and preserve within the artifacts that Thaellon and his Azhemyra students were busy crafting at this very moment.
It seemed that due to the capricious whims of fate, she had become very much like her mother when she was young. She had abandoned her own family, her own children, to seek out secrets in order to protect her people. Her sadness turned to a flash of anger. Her hands clenched into fists on the writing table before her. A wind began to howl and tug at the rusted metal doors to her balcony.
Breaking this shot of anger was a hand upon her shoulder. This jarred her away from her overwrought thoughts; from her sudden rage and her sadness to be anchored back into the moment. It wasn't an overly familiar gesture, but it was one she welcomed as soon as she calmed herself.
Jephrin had been in her service as shoanvyr — a personal bodyguard issued by her husband's house — since she was a teenager. Those few who were still loyal to her family and took Serranos and herself in after her mother's inhuman change had provided young warriors of worth as well as courage to take care of them. Kaisos' family had selected Jephrin who had sought a life of dutiful service after being a bit of a rogue. He sought redemption and used his oath well. Jephrin was as much a part of her as her own brother, although he led his own life in those few-and-far-between times she hadn't needed his service. In all those years, he was a silent companion, a strong rock of support, a skillful cohort, and a friend when she was away from Kaisos and her children.
This calloused and strong hand on her shoulder was one to shake her away from her thoughts. He wanted her focused on finishing the letter and her duties. The hand slid by her arm for a moment, bending towards her wrist. Once almost on her right hand, he detoured sharply and quickly snatched up the parchment before her. Jephrin lifted it away from her, giving a single glance at the runes upon the page. He gave a half-audible grunt, then folded the missive into thirds. He gave one last glance at the courier notes scrawled on the exposed last third of the page, then tucked the parchment away into a small pocket above his breast.
"Thank you for doing this." Maenthrai pushed the wooden chair away and raised up to her feet. "I know you have your reservations about my safety." Her eyes darted around the room for a second and then rested upon the dimly-lit face of Jephrin before her. Blotches of green and orange danced around his features, obscuring them. She had stared into the flame for too long.
"...Like you said." Jephrin took a deep breath, allowing his shoulders to lift up into his drawn collar. It was more of a shrug and sigh than a breath of air. "Getting to head home would be good for me. I deliver your letter, and I get to see my dear Hyalbrinn." A wry smile crept across his stubbled and weathered face. His brown eyes, peering at her from beneath his dark, brooding brow looked at her with hesitation and longing. He didn't want to leave her side. She knew he thought it was a mistake. "I'm only spending two nights in Morrthault City. Just enough to rest from the road and get proper provisions. I'll be back before the hither-month is complete."
"There's no need to rush, Jephrin. No one knows we're here." Maenthrai lowered her eyes to the floor and began to tap on the ancient wood of the table with her long, aristocratic fingertips. She gave a short rap and pulled her hand back up to her chest. "We've made assurances to hide our magicks. The scouts that returned with the base materials were not the scouts that went to Oerstav Caelii. We've used double-blinds and secondary agents to make sure no direct path in or out of this place can be traced."
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